Having a successful food business is more than just about cooking, it’s also about creating consistent and stable income.

Too many chefs that are trying to run full-time culinary business are SOLELY focused on the food and pay very little attention to having multiple streams of income and that’s just never going to add up.

If one (or more) of the following statements applies to you, it’s time to update your Food Brand Blueprint.

  1. You’re tired of catering. 😩 You got into it because everyone told you how great of a cook you are and how they would use you for all of their events and parties. Now, after a few years, you realize that you hate schlepping around hot boxes and working with people with limited budgets.

  2. You’re currently maxed out on personal chef clients 😬 and don’t have anymore room in your week to cook for another person, but you still haven’t hit your revenue goals and your not sure how to get there and you really don’t want to hire another person yet.

  3. You really love creating food content, but you’re tired of waiting on brands to get paid for your work. 🙄 You’re making decent income from affiliate sales and ads, but you want to take a more proactive approach over your income.

  4. You finally did it! 👍🏿 You wrote that cookbook that you have been thinking about for years and then, you launched it to crickets and realized that you would have to sell hundreds, if not thousands of copies a month to hit your income goals.

  5. You love to cook, but if you were being honest with yourself you don’t love being in the kitchen all of the time. 😏 You feel like you’re tied to your stove.

  6. You’ve been in the industry a long time, and you’re looking for a way to still earn income but that doesn’t require you being on your feet for 12 hours a day 😐 and that doesn’t require you to keep working night, weekend and holidays. you’re ready for a change.

  7. You’ve fallen out of love with what you do. 😔 While you haven’t fallen out of love with cooking, the business that you have just ins’t satisfying anymore. Honestly you dread its, but it pays the bills. You know you can just close everything down, but you desperately need to start working on an another way to stay in the industry that you love and earn income doing it.

  8. You really don’t enjoy being in a “back of the house” style business. 🥴 The entire reason you got into food is because you love bringing people together over a great meal and being in the back just doesn’t satisfy your soul. This is not how you thought things were going to be. You need a business model that allows you to get back to the things that made you fall in love with food in the first place.

  9. You’ve changed careers and maybe even went culinary school. 🫠 You know that you want to do food full-time and that this time around you want to work for yourself, but you haven’t seen anything that really makes your heart sing and all you do know is that you don’t want to to work in a restaurant or hotel.

If you want to END or AVOID the feast or famine cycle that many chefpreneurs face, it’s time for a new Food Brand Blueprint.

Building out a true Food Brand Blueprint is a just a sexier/better way of saying that you need to marry your love of food with some solid business strategy. Most people skip this step and find themselves scrambling back to it years later when their business is in a pickle.

Hi, I’m Chef Evelyn,

And I’m an advocate for living, cooking and working on your own terms.

After working as a caterer, pastry chef, personal chef, doing meal prep and more, I had to ask myself a question I hope you’ll consider right now:

“If I keep doing what I’m doing now, will this really lead to the time freedom, lifestyle freedom, and income freedom I desire?”

I knew the answer was a clear “no” and I knew how to change it. I was going to need to create a blueprint for my food business unlike what they taught us at culinary school.

In culinary school, at best, our business education was about how to maybe own a restaurant one day. We heard about startup costs, food costs, profit margins, health inspections, etc.

At that time I couldn’t see a future where, after leaving my corporate career as a chemical engineer, I would being working more, and making less. I didn’t see myself in a traditional brick and mortar business and as much as I loved food, I couldn’t see myself in a kitchen all day, every day.

All I knew was that I wanted to work for myself doing something I truly enjoyed, while making great money in the process. So I knew something had to change.

The thing that changed inside of me was how I approached building out a true food brand. I built a food business that I was able to truly run, instead of having it run me. I had to learn to cook outside the lines and charter unfamiliar territory in the food space.

And now, I’m passionate about helping others do the same.

Here’s how we’ll create your FIRST or NEXT income stream:

By the end of this course you will have a new Food Brand Blueprint that will carry you for the next 5 to 10 years, and leave you with a framework that you can use for years to come.

In module 1, you will:

  • Uncover what’s been holding you back from launching your first or next revenue stream.

  • Eliminate idea overwhelm and Reduce analysis paralysis of what to do and where to start.

  • Understand the power and importance of having more than one revenue stream in your food business.

  • Debunk any myths about having multiple streams of income.

    • Finally Organize the million ideas that have been floating around in your head for years and see how they call all work together versus trying to force yourself to only doing one thing.

After that, in Module 2 you will:

  • Investigate the 5 revenue streams that are available to you, right now, with your current skill set, WITHOUT having to create an entirely new business.

  • Analyze the pros and cons of each revenue stream so that you can make an informed choice about which streams you want to offer, so that you don’t build something that you can’t stand.

  • Choose the revenue streams that are best suited for your lifestyle, your revenue goals and your current skill set.

As a BONUS, you will:

  • Have access to CASE STUDIES of real life brands, that have multiple revenue streams based of the 5 categories, so that you can see what having more than one income stream in the same business looks like in the real world.

And in module 3:

  • You will organize your business ideas in a way that makes sense and determine the next best steps to move your business forward.

  • You will design your Food Brand Blueprint in a ‘life first’ format to ensure that you can always maintain your preferred level of work life balance. 

  • You will finalize your first OR next best revenue stream, so that you can start increasing your income sooner than later.

  • You will map out the next steps to getting start on your first or next revenue stream so that you will leave with a plan of action.

Who is this the best fit for?

👉🏿The Food Brand Blueprint is designed for those already with a culinary business who are at a point where they are ready to add an addition income stream to their business. If you are looking to create multiple streams of income on top of an already thriving business, and want to make sure that you next revenue stream is the right one for you audience, clients and for you, the Food Brand Blueprint is the best place to start.

👉🏿The Food Brand Blueprint is also for those who are culinary school graduates, who desire to have their own business, and aren’t sure what’s out there besides owning a restaurant.

If you’re in business for the long haul and you’re not just trying to throw something together, you’re in the right place.

So many times, chefs find themselves in doing work that they don’t really love, but its all they know to do or all they think is available for them.

Deep down inside they know that there is another way, a better way, for them to be in business, they are just not sure if or how to turn their dreams into a reality.

The food brand blueprint is here to assist you in the process of turning your day dreams into youE every day experience.

More than likely you saw the toll that the 2020 pandemic had on the culinary industry. We all saw how food businesses, who only had one income stream, suffered tremendously or even worse, closed their doors for good.

Or, you may have experienced being the chef that has ONE great gig with a celebrity client and then out of nowhere they no longer need your services. And there you are, in the weeds, without another client in sight.

Maybe you went down the content creation path and quickly realized that your income changes every time the algorithm updates and it makes you uneasy.

And it’s not that these aren’t great revenue models, but having all your income tied up into one, is a problem.

You’re more than capable of building out a stellar plan for your food brand, and during Food Brand Blueprint we’ll do it together in just a few hours.

When does the course begin?

The Food Brand Blueprint is a self-paced, on-demand course, that you can take a anytime.

Can I get a refund?

Due to the digital nature of this product, no refunds are available at this time. All purchases are final.

How long do I have access?

You will have access to the Food Brand Blueprint for as long as it is being offered.